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Worker Rights Litigation News - Archive

We must seize this opportunity to demand and secure racial justice.

Click the headline above to see the full statement by the EJC.

When: October 3, 2019, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Where: Peter Pan Mini-Golf, 1207 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78704

Click on the link above for more information. We hope to see you there.

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (June 15, 2018) — Workers recruited from Jamaica and other countries to work in hospitality businesses in Oklahoma on the J-1 exchange visitor visa program filed a federal labor trafficking lawsuit today, alleging they were induced to pay high recruitment fees and then paid less money than they had been promised, denied the full-time hours they were told they would receive, charged high fees for crowded and inadequate housing, and threatened with financial and/or physical harm if they left their jobs.

The Equal Justice Center's staff and clients invite you and your family to take part in the Equal Justice Center's 15th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser at Peter Pan Mini-Golf in Austin, Texas.

Houston Chronicle Op-Ed: Labor Day is a good time to remember that workplace justice, whether in the U.S. or around the globe, has never just happened naturally. Quite the opposite. Workplace justice has always arisen from two deliberate social demands that work in constant tension with the profit-seeking incentives of the free market.

Just days before Labor Day, thirty-four food service workers who were employed at San Antonio-area Subway, Marble Slab Creamery, and Great American Cookies franchises filed dismissal papers after settling their Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) lawsuit for unpaid overtime wages.

In the closing month of 2015, the Equal Justice Center surpassed the milestone of $8.5 million recovered in wage theft cases for low-wage working men and women.

“What the Equal Justice Center does for our clients and their families is place in their hands the powerful tools of the law and the legal system,” said EJC Austin attorney, Christopher Willett. “With that power, they can take charge of protecting their own rights and hold unscrupulous employers accountable through their own direct action. In our society, that amounts to real power and recognized legitimacy.”

In November, 2011 the New York Times reported the startling new revelation by the Census Bureau that one in three people in America is currently living either below or near the poverty line. Half of them are what the Times labeled the “near poor” – individuals and families at less than 150% of the poverty level who are struggling from paycheck to paycheck to escape poverty.